1. Introduction
APIs, or application programming interfaces, have been present in the field of computer programming for decades. However, in recent years, they have gained much more relevance in the hyperconnected world we live in today.
En el vertiginoso mundo tecnológico de hoy en día, las APIs (Interfaces de Programación de Aplicaciones, por sus siglas en inglés) desempeñan un papel fundamental en el funcionamiento y la interconexión de diferentes sistemas y aplicaciones. Desde el ámbito empresarial hasta el desarrollo de software, las APIs han revolucionado la forma en que las empresas interactúan con sus clientes, optimizan sus operaciones y promueven la colaboración entre diversas plataformas.
Una de las devociones cristianas más hermosas es meditar la vida de nuestro Señor
Jesucristo en compañía de su santa madre. Aunque no me considero experto en el tema,
si quiero compartir este excelente ejercicio espiritual diaro y entonces aquí
presento una breve introducción a como rezar el rosario. Para una explicación detallada
sugiero leer la carta “Rosarium Virginis Mariae” de San Juan Pablo II.
This is another article in the group of data structures.
A hash map is a powerful in-memory data structure that allows adding and retrieving data in a constant time.
Most modern languages have support for this and usually they include variations and optimizations over it,
therefore most of us take this for granted, but this was not always the case, and here I try to explain
how this one works.
This is a sample implementation of a Binary Serach Tree in JavaScript. Right now it is a work in progress, please
keep looking for updates for this post, as I will keep working on it.
This is a sample block to read a list of names, order them and also create a random ordered list. The code even allows to drag and drop files into the text area for easier manipulation of long lists, and also to avoid storing any data on our server - because there is no need to do it.
This is a small javascript program that simulates a spirograph based
on the mathematical formulas described in
Mathematische Basteleien
The implementation is done with html canvas and javascript